Matthew McConaughey: Greenlights (Paperback, 2020, Crown) 4 stars

I’ve been in this life for fifty years, been trying to work out its riddle …

Rollickingly true to the blurb

4 stars

McConaughey's recent memoir. The blurb on my copy promised a certain level of buccaneering content. The experience was a pleasantly surprising adventure of madder than fiction whimsical wanderings, philosophy and a refreshingly chaotic approach to career-management. His parents and siblings also deserve a nod of recognition for being truly memorable people in their own right.

Memoirs frequently don't live up to the mystique of the teller, but this categorically does not happen here. There is close to the bone honesty that is difficult to exercise skepticism for given how frankly the writing comes across. Given some of the subject matter, I struggle to picture what content discussions had to have crossed between him and any editor. I want to believe there was no ghost writer involved too, as the delivery is just edgy and rough enough around the edges that it does feel genuinely our guy's own words.

I don't like to skip any content if I plan to finish a book, but a few of the scrapbook-style philosophy pages should only be glanced off for full effect. Either way, I thank the author for adding "mensch" to my lexicon and throw it right back at him.