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tinderness Locked account

Joined 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Fictionaut and vagabond, originally from Austria. I do speak German and English. Interested in Speculative Fiction, but also other literature. You can follow me on Mastadon, where I rant about books, politices and climate change:

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tinderness's books

To Read

Currently Reading

Karin Tidbeck: Jagannath (EBook, 2018, Vintage) 4 stars

An award-winning debut story collection by Karin Tidbeck, author of Amatka.

A child is born …

Weird fiction short stories

4 stars

In Jagannath, Karin Tidbeck introduces us to a strange world full of strange and surreal occurrences in 13 stories, stories that always surprise and never bore us with their varied narrative technique. She is on the trail to another side of the world that only appears when you as a reader change your point of view. A highly recommended book whose stories are told with great skill.

Han Kang, Ki-Hyang Lee: Die Vegetarierin: Roman (Paperback, German language, Aufbau Taschenbuch) 5 stars

»Die Vegetarierin ist ein Meisterwerk.« Julia Encke, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung

Ein seltsam verstörendes, hypnotisierendes Buch …

Becoming something different

5 stars

The book describes a radical and strong character who is willing to transform herself - but in doing so brings herself step by step closer to her own death. For German-speaking readers, see my review of this book:

reviewed Outpost by Dmitri Glukhovsky (Outpost, #2)

Dmitri Glukhovsky: Outpost (Deutsch language, Heyne) 4 stars

Russland in der nahen Zukunft: Nach einem verheerenden Bürgerkrieg ist das riesige Land gespalten. Westlich …

Russian Zombies 2

4 stars

The Outposts dilogy is a gloomy allegory of the current situation in Russia, rich in cruelty and horror scenarios, which leaves little room for the author's great sarcasm. However, anyone who wants to subject themselves to the torment of dealing with the unsavoriness of a zombie scenario is advised to read this book.