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Joined 2 years, 2 months ago

I read when I can't sleep, so yes there's a lot of books here. Nearly all SF.


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2025 Reading Goal

17% complete! Stephen has read 8 of 45 books.

reviewed The End of the Matter by Alan Dean Foster (Pip and Flinx, #4)

Alan Dean Foster: The End of the Matter (1985, Del Rey) 3 stars

Accompanied by his faithful minidrag Pip and a most troublesome alien called Abalamahalamatandra -- Ab …

Interesting Icerigger crossover

3 stars

The thing I enjoyed most about this is that I've read a few different humanx books before but never specifically noticed so much crossover of planets, factions and characters. This one doesn't get as creepy as Bloodhype but does have some lazy writing in it along the lines of "there's no time to explain, let's get on this month-long cruise, where apparently no further character development happens at all".

It's fine, clearly not supposed to be too serious.

Enjoyable crazy travelogue

5 stars

I would add a caution up front that a 300 page book about canoeing for several months does get pretty samey. However it's not really much of a surprise. The author has some lovely descriptions of the landscape and the absolutely terrible time he puts himself through willingly to cross it.

He's clearly not one for the busy modern world, although I think he's hamming it up a bit for some humour in the dry bits. It works.

Mick Herron: Slow Horses (Paperback, 2020, Soho Crime) 4 stars

Slough House is Jackson Lamb's kingdom; a dumping ground for members of the intelligence service …

Maybe I just don't like spy thrillers

2 stars

I found the first third of this book a real struggle and only finished it because I wanted to read it ahead of seeing the TV series. The remainder of the book is more enjoyable, but it does shamelessly set a cliffhanger every 5 pages or so, through misinterpret-able references or missing information.

The idea of the far right rising I will grant is pretty prescient from 2010, mind. There's some great ideas, but I don't really like description such as "looked like Timothy Spall, gone to seed". Yes, I can imagine it, but I find it jarring.

John Scalzi: The Android's Dream (The Android's Dream #1) (Hardcover, 2006, Tor Books) 4 stars

The Android's Dream is a 2006 science fiction novel by American writer John Scalzi.The title …

A servicable silly SF thriller, although already aging

4 stars

It took me a while to get into this book, as I didn't read the synopsis and therefore had no idea where it was going. In 2024, the way computers, AI, and hacking is represented seems almost quaint now. In that sense there's some real Bladerunner vibes about the book. Scalzi's humour here also references fads from the early 2000s which also date it, not well.

But it's perfectly fine, and made me smile quite a few times. If it tried less hard to be funny, I think it would have been better. Preferred Kaiju Preservation Society, although the COVID references in that will probably age it just as well!

Pierre Berton: Klondike : The Last Great Gold Rush, 1896-1899 (2001) 4 stars

Very enjoyable, if problematic

4 stars

If you go to the Yukon, you can save reading most of the information signs in the whole territory as they're all cribbing from this book. It's in a very readable style, but that style is from the 50s, updated in the 70s, and reprinted ever since. The way the author treats anyone who's not a white man is...not great. Any individuals are described fairly, but at a general level First Nations are described as "crude" or "brutal" or other dismissive language, and women feature rarely. It was quite a surprise compared to federal and territorial literature. But it is of its time, and does draw on the last few actual eyewitnesses to the Klondike Gold Rush.

And oh boy, was that totally insane. The weather people endured, below -50C for the winter, with minimal clothes and tents, if they arrived early. Transporting 500kg of supplies, 40kg at a time, …