'ö-Dzin Tridral 🏴 reviewed Hurry up and meditate by David Michie
Review of 'Hurry up and meditate' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Hurry Up and Meditate
David Michie
Snow Lion publications, 2008
ISBN 978-55939-306=5
This is a helpful book for anyone interested in the why and how of meditation. If you want to know why you should meditate then begin your journey at chapter one. If you want to know how to meditate then dive in at chapter four.
David Michie writes in an easy conversational style. In the first three chapters he introduces the topic of meditation and the research that has taken place into its physical and psychological benefits. This is presented outside the context of any religious tradition or belief. If you are looking for scientific evidence of the efficacy of meditation you will find it in the first three chapters, before going on to find it in the laboratory of your own experience.
Having shown why you might want to meditate the book goes on to show how.
David Michie writes with an understanding of the practical aspects of developing a meditation practice - when to meditate, for how long, in what posture and so forth. He recommends starting with fifteen minutes. This is important advice. It is a period of time that would be easy for anyone to consistently fit into their day. A short period of meditation each day will have much greater beneficial effect than a longer period occasionally.
David Michie guides the reader through a simple practice of meditation and how to deal with agitation and dullness. He then explains different types of meditation and shows how they can be complementary to each other. he explains the importance of creating a regular daily practice and keeping it light and easy so that it can become part of your life.
David Michie explains that real benefits of meditation come when you’re not meditating - in the same way that the benefits of exercise come when you’re not in the gym. This is important as it is too easy to misunderstand meditation as a place to experience bliss or peace. it is more important - and more inspiring to find that meditation practice makes a difference in our lives.
The book concludes with a recap of the benefits of meditation and how to troubleshoot your meditation practice.
By the end of the book you will have an understanding of the benefits of meditation, how to meditate, and why you should start now and not delay.