Apparently I have registrered the audiobook, but it was actually the e-book edition I read. Oh, well...
Reviews and Comments
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Ulrik H. Kold rated 11%: 5 stars

11% by Maren Uthaug
Ulrik H. Kold finished reading Feedback by Dennis E. Taylor
Ulrik H. Kold rated Tårnet: bind 1: 3 stars
Ulrik H. Kold rated All-New X-Men, Vol. 1: Yesterday's X-Men: 3 stars
Ulrik H. Kold rated Sortøje: 4 stars
Ulrik H. Kold rated At the Mountains of Madness: A Graphic Novel: 5 stars
Ulrik H. Kold rated Gro: 4 stars
Ulrik H. Kold rated Skylandet: 4 stars
Ulrik H. Kold rated 300% Badass: 4 stars

300% Badass by René Toft, Emil Blichfeldt (100% badass, #3)
John rømmede sig og stirrede hårdt på Det Beskidte Dusin. ”Hør efter, åndsamøber. Det er nu, det sner. Den endelige …
Ulrik H. Kold rated 200% badass: 4 stars

200% badass by René Toft, Emil Blichfeldt (100% badass, #2)
John trak dragen op til hoften, pegede dens mund mod Deathstar og den rødøjede chef-alien. “Har du en lille bøvs …
Ulrik H. Kold rated 100% badass: 4 stars

100% badass by René Toft, Emil Blichfeldt (100% badass, #1)
A fast-paced action splatter tribute to the overly macho action movies of the 1980s. This is not for the faint …
Ulrik H. Kold rated The Long Walk: 4 stars

The Long Walk by Stephen King
The Long Walk is a dystopian horror novel by American writer Stephen King, published in 1979, under the pseudonym Richard …
Ulrik H. Kold rated A Prayer for the Crown-Shy: 5 stars

A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers (Monk and Robot, #2)
After touring the rural areas of Panga, Sibling Dex (a Tea Monk of some renown) and Mosscap (a robot sent …
Ulrik H. Kold rated Duftapoteket. Der er en hemmelighed i luften.: 5 stars

Duftapoteket. Der er en hemmelighed i luften. by Anna Ruhe (Duftapoteket, #1)
Det lugter mærkeligt i den gamle villa – af tusind ting på samme tid. Det er det første, Luzie lægger …