Doctor sueño

600 pages

Spanish language

Published Nov. 25, 2013 by Plaza y Janés.

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4 stars (8 reviews)

2ª ed. Traducción de José Óscar Hernández Sendín

33 editions

reviewed Doctor Sleep by Stephen King (The Shining, #2)

Review of 'Doctor Sleep' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I enjoyed this but it was long and felt long.

The external character conflict doesn't start until about a third of the way into the book, but prior to that the Dan Torrance has plenty of internal conflict in dealing with his alcoholism and step 5.

I really liked the two main protagonists: Dan Torrance from The Shining and Abra Stone. Rose the Hat is an interesting villain. I wish King had spent more time giving her some depth, more to her story, less to Dan's.

In the end, this is a testament to the power of the AA program and how it improves lives through faith, acceptance, and responsibility. It's interesting that King wrote The Shining while in the darkest corners of alcoholism and wrote this novel after being sober for years, much like Dan Torrance. I guess it's just a coincidence.

I have high praise for the end …

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