Your Inner Fish: A Journey Into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body

English language

Published Jan. 22, 2008

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4 stars (3 reviews)

1 edition

On the evolution of our Inner Fish.

5 stars

A fascinating book to read to learn about how life on earth is related to each other for one simple reason: we are all descended from one common ancestor. Changes may have occurred as all life on Earth branched out from that common ancestor, but you can still trace that common lineage between us all; even between humans and fish.

Shubin is best known for discovering Tikta`alik, but he uses his other experiences (searching for other fossils, teaching human anatomy, running a lab that explores both palaeontology and genetics) to help guide the reader as he shows the various ways we are connected to various life forms on Earth: to fish via our hands and arms, to amphibians via the way our heads and faces developed, to reptiles via the way reptile jaw bones became parts of our inner ear and to mammals via the way our teeth develop.

He …