Jupiter War

English language

Published May 13, 2014

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3 stars (2 reviews)

1 edition

Review of 'Jupiter War' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Space Opera!
Pew pew!
Best read by people who don't know any science, like Asher himself.
I often criticise Asher for have lots of Pew! Pew! and no subtext but in this case I think that would be a bit unfair: There's a discussion of what it means to be "free" going on here, which concludes that here is no such thing as complete freedom. In practice, within any society, you only have the rights and freedoms that society allows. On the other hand, the society provides policing and justice. Therefore, the real question is how to organise a society that maximises individual freedom whilst minimising crime. Asher doesn't really offer any good answers to this perennial political poser, instead focusing on the dangers of corruption and bureaucracy. (I get the impression Asher hates the European Union in general and the European Commission in particular.)

Another issue raised is that …

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