Oryx e Crake

, #1

432 pages

Galego language

Published by Rinoceronte.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (15 reviews)

“Home das Neves”, coñecido como Jimmy antes de que a humanidade fose devastada por unha praga, loita por sobrevivir nun mundo onde tal vez el sexa o derradeiro humano, mentres lamenta a perda do seu mellor amigo, Crake, e da fermosa e misteriosa Oryx, a quen os dous amaban.

O protagonista emprende unha viaxe a través da exuberante selva que ata hai pouco era unha gran cidade, na procura de respostas, e polo camiño iremos descubrindo como a humanidade acadou a súa destrución durante unha carreira incontrolada de enxeñería xenética.

Atwood bota man do seu estilo agudo e humor negro para transportarnos a un futuro próximo e ao mesmo tempo afastado da nosa imaxinación.

9 editions

Review of 'Oryx and Crake' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

compelling enough for me to get through it in 2 days, this book is devastating in its plausibility. the genetics manipulation for food and medical science, the financial impetus behind diseases that keeps you alive long enough to take all your money, the wariness of blanketed porn...
i think atwood nails the hidden aggression in men's relationships - there's so much going on underneath the words of jimmy and crake. so often you see the complexity of relationships between women; this was a refreshing take.
her female character is diaphenous: in many ways a true reflection of how men project their ideas of 'woman' onto women.
but i truly hated the ambiguous ending. tell me what happened. it's a cop out not to.

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