Salut, et encore merci pour le poisson

Paperback, 254 pages

French language

Published June 6, 2001 by Gallimard.

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4 stars (16 reviews)

Plus bas que Terre ! Ayant - plus ou moins - survécu à son édifiante promenade cosmico-temporelle, le pauvre Arthur Accroc savoure l'indicible plaisir de fouler à nouveau le sol de sa planète natale. Une planète jadis détruite par les terribles Vogons, sous le prétexte fallacieux de laisser passer une autoroute intergalactique... Pas de panique ! Car l'universellement exhaustif Guide galactique saura sans doute répondre à cet étrange paradoxe. Et peut-être élucidera-t-il un mystère plus angoissant encore : pourquoi les dauphins ont-ils disparu, laissant pour ultime message un laconique Salut, et encore merci pour le poisson ? Source:

47 editions

Review of 'So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I did feel, with Life, the Universe and Everything, that the series was starting to lose it's way somewhat. With this book, though, Adams gets solidly back on track.

It's very different to what has gone before, and this is very much to the book's advantage. Arthur is more of a character this time around and there's visible plot.

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish is still very much a Hitchhiker's book, but it also demonstrates the value in a series taking the occasional left turn.

Review of 'So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is my absolute favourite of the series, though several strands from the final installment penned by Adams remain clear in my mind. Here, the action is muted and the space travel pretty thin on the ground, and yet Arthur in love, the Earth, the speaking clock and God's final message to creation all fit together so perfectly that despite the detractors I hold this one very close to my heart.

Chapter 2 is delightful. 10, enspired. 11 through 15, superlative. 16 foreshadowing, 17 predictable, 24 and 26 magical, 34 downright funny and 40 a brilliant ending. Ruined a little, yes, I concede, by the epilogue.

The authorial intrusions are a little too invasive and sharp, I grant you, yet Adams being crunched into producing by deadline is bound to have a few consequences. The humour is different, too, but for some reason I can't quite articulate this book simply …