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Facing Unchecked Syphilis , Great Plains Tribes Sought Federal Help.

Months Later, No One Has Responded.

The rate among people in the Great Plains is higher than at any point in 80 years of records.

More than 3% of American babies born in last year had the preventable and curable — but potentially fatal — disease.


"The extent to which conversation has been silenced is evident from a STAT survey of 100 hospitals — two from each state — asking to speak with physicians about changes in maternal health care since the Dobbs ruling. Only six institutions made physicians available to speak about their work, and five of them were in states where abortion access remains protected."


'The push to decriminalise abortion in Britain heats up'


'Yet opening a fresh debate also creates an opportunity for anti-abortion campaigners to push for reform. There are plenty of them in Parliament, where a comparatively high number of MPs are religious.'
'That is evident in another proposed amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill, which would lower the limit to 22 weeks.'

Rishi Sunak thinks 'something has gone wrong' since Covid to prompt more long-term sickness.

so, of course, he thinks restricting benefits for those with mental health issues & signposting them to treatment is part of the 'solution'.

Well, it might be if NHS mental health services weren't in a crisis of capacity already...

The real thing that has gone wrong is the Tories have sought to disrupt the country's healthcare system & that's now having a clear impact on workers!

I've said it before but it's worth repeating: LGBTQ+ health is understudied.
Which means that not only our health problems are not treated properly but also that homophobic/transphobic etc.. 'studies' are flourishing (looking at you Cass report).
We need the scientific community to LISTEN to us, not treat us like mentally unfit freaks.
That's what Stanford University is trying to do with this study.
If you live in the USA you can register and help improving LGBTQ+ healthcare.


I want to live in a progressive ...🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

With no ...

With no ...

With no ...

With no ...

With no policies...

With free for all...

With a respect for all peoples ...

As a of the families of the EU...🇪🇺

Where people are not ...

As a country that and the most

All the above and more is possible...

A ... ...🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

April 06, 2024 at 06:00AM
Unveiling the troubling impact of depersonalization and derealization on depression outcomes

<p>Have you ever felt detached from yourself or your surroundings, as if watching your life unfold from a distance? A recent study published in <a href="https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-024-05658-7"><em>BMC Psychiatry</em></a> sheds light on these lesser-known symptoms — depersonalization and derealization — and their profound impact on individuals with depression. The findings reveal that those experiencing these symptoms alongside depression face a more severe illness course, less response to treatment, and overall poorer health outcomes.</p>
<p>Depersonalization refers to a state of feeling detached from oneself, where individuals may experience themselves as if they are an outside observer of their own thoughts, body, or sensations. This often manifests as a sense of estrangement or detachment from one&#8217;s own being, as if they are watching their life unfold …

For those of you with an interest in how we might manage the NHS differently, while trying to extract healthcare from the wreckage caused by the Tories (and provided you have a tolerance for academic discourse), here is an interesting bit of research on citizen involvement in Dutch healthcare (building on four cases of citizen participation).

Rather than try to import models of healthcare from North America, perhaps we'd better looking at Northern Europe?
