Arbieroo reviewed Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Set amidst the vibrant colors and sounds of the savage African jungle, this classic work, …
Review of 'Tarzan of the Apes' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
I read some books because they have entered the culture, spawning multiple versions of themselves in other media and I just want to find out what the original story and concepts were and if they were any good. Examples would be Frankenstein and Dracula. Tarzan is also such a one.
It was interesting to discover that Tarzan was indeed raised by apes, but not any real species, instead by a made up one existing somewhere between gorilla and human in capabilities and appearance. Also interesting to discover that Burroughs wrote 22 sequels!
It's a fast paced and easy read but I'm not inclined to hunt down even the first of those sequels...