Michael Lewis: Liar's Poker (Paperback, 1999, Coronet Books) 4 stars

Liar's Poker is a non-fiction, semi-autobiographical book by Michael Lewis describing the author's experiences as …

Three books for the price of one

4 stars

There are three distinct books here, first Lewis' introduction to the world of Salomon Brothers, then a series of essays about characters and events which happened in the firm, and then a return to the first part with his adventures in his latter days with the firm.

It's an excellent read, if something of a period piece now. In particular the long section on Mortgage Backed Securities, written long before 2008 of course, is now a grand introduction to why they were considered to be so good ... but even then there's hints of the badness to come.

Anyway a good read and I can see me buying some more of Lewis' books.