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Dancing Treefrog Locked account

Joined 11 months, 2 weeks ago

A reader for 65 years now. I prefer a lot of variety although I've been allergic to "bestsellers" for a long time now. A resident of Hawaii, USA.

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Dawn Knox: The Post Box Topper Chronicles (EBook, 2024, Chapeltown) 5 stars

A boring post box. Five knitters. Can one woman convert a post box into a …

A dive into the secret, violently-competitive and hilarious world of post box toppers?

5 stars

What is a post box topper? Here, it’s a device for attracting space aliens, a teenager’s unrequited love, a mysterious nemesis, and the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” from village residents, business owners, the local mayor, the local reverend. And making everyone in the story overreact to everything.

A group of unique and quirky knitters in the appropriately-named village of Creapy Bottom (yes, the village name gets explained later) take on the challenge of designing and knitting a custom post box topper. Each month. For a year. Add the aforesaid nemesis and a shady and suspect local newspaper reporter. And the story unfolds with one hilarious overreaction after another, overreactions on top of overreactions, forever and ever, amen, (not quoting the town reverend, Reverend Prendergast).

And don’t forget repeated instances of topper vandalism. The mysterious nemesis responds to each topper with written complaint letters to the local constabulary, to …

Charles Stross, Cory Doctorow: Rapture of the Nerds (2012, Tor) 3 stars

The Rapture of the Nerds is a 2012 novel by Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross. …

Review of 'Rapture of the Nerds' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It was OK. Too much Stross, too little Doctorow? Can't tell for sure if that's why it was only OK.

I can read only so much Stross at a time. His vaunted inventiveness always seems shallow. (And plotwise, this book seems repetitive to me.) I would read this book a while, then say, "I've had enough of this buggery," and put it down. Several times over a couple of weeks, I didn't pick it up to continue reading. (I usually read a book over the space of a few days.)

So what does that say about this book, or me? Make of it what you will. If you like Doctorow and/or Stross, you might like this one. If you like the Doctorow-Stross combo, I think you'll like this.

Ken Scholes: Lamentation (2009, Tor) 3 stars

Review of 'Lamentation' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Interesting world, opens with a big event (sudden destruction of the most powerful city in the world) and explores the consequences with interesting characters. The post-apocalyptic world mixes magic and pre-apocalyptic technology, political intrigue, religion and is clearly intended to be the first of a longer series. The ending is different and not something I expected.

Sadly, I didn't much find myself caring about any of the human characters. I don't know why this was so, but it was. One of the mechanical men, Issak (who was programmed unknowingly to recite the spell that destroyed the city at the beginning of the story), is interesting enough that I'll read [b:Canticle|6435253|Canticle (The Psalms of Isaak)|Ken Scholes||6624796] to see what happens with him.

J.R.R. Tolkien: Roverandom (Paperback, 2002, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd) 4 stars

Roverandom is a novella written by J.R.R. Tolkien, originally told in 1925. It deals with …

Review of 'Roverandom' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Tolkien - lighter, shorter, wicked sense of humor, plus his excellent illustrations. If you think Tolkien is only the thick richness of The Lord of the Rings, you need to read Roverrandom. And Farmer Giles of Ham.