@roytoo I read Saturn's Children and had a lot of problems with it. The writing, in terms of how it reads and all of that was really very readable, and easy enough to get past the parts where in the end... largely unaddressed terrible things happened. I'd love to know that other works are worth giving a try. I do like the style, just the content left a lot to be desired.
Jigme Datse replied to Roy Adams's status
Roy Adams replied to Jigme Datse's status
@JigmeDatse Apologies for the delayed reply. It's been a very long time since I read Saturn's Children so I looked up some reviews and synopses to refresh my memory.
Was it was the mixing of sex and violence that were the unaddressed terrible things for you?
If it was then some parts of the Laundry Files (especially the Equoid novella) may not appeal to you. Laundry Files overall is a Lovecraftian homage with eldritch horrors blended with "computational magic" and it definitely can be the "truly horrific" end of Lovecraft at times.
That said, in most of the Laundry Files terrible things are directly addressed instead of being overlooked or ignored. For me that can get overwhelming in large doses so I've spread out reading the series over the years as the books came out.
Jigme Datse replied to Roy Adams's status
@roytoo Well, it wasn't really just "sex and violence" it was "non-consensual sex," and "violence based on social structure." Ie. "justified rape and slavery".
Lovecraft has been a bit similar, but "Lovecraftian" often can lack the racism, sexism, and other discriminatory ideas.
The thing with Saturn's Children was that it's the start of a series, and you're not quite sure how unaddressed it may be in the end. At least there's hints it may get addressed... It just felt that it needed more than hints, but rather actual action on it.