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Penpal 2 stars

Penpal is a 2012 self-published horror/thriller creepypasta novel and the debut novel of the American …

Review of 'Penpal' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Goodreads recommended this to me. Goodreads isn't very good at recommending things.

My relationship with horror writing is kind of marginal. I liked House of Leaves, China Mieville. Stuff with a little expansion to it.

This isn't it. The writing is not bad, it's just... mundane and cruel and depressing.

Charles Stross: Singularity Sky (2005) 4 stars

Review of 'Singularity Sky' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Weird little book in that the climax happens about six pages after the book starts, then the rest of the book just -goes- as characters hurtle towards inevitable destinations. It's like that scene in Back to the Future where Biff is thrown into a pile of dung, but stretched across 300 pages.

Greg Egan: Quarantine (1995, Eos) 4 stars

In 2034, the stars went out. An unknown agency surrounded the solar system with an …

Review of 'Quarantine' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

A Greg Egan novel lives or dies by how well it explores its concepts - I mean, you're not reading them for the wooden mannequins that no longer have simple emotions get on the way of their discussions of rational futurism.

This book kinda chokes on that. I mean, it's still better than Distress, and it shows the unique physics-distortion that's the crux of the book in an interesting way, but doesn't really GO places. I know that's the whole point, but still.

Review of 'The Imago Sequence and Other Stories' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

A series of horror stories with an unusual pattern - explanations never come tidily, protagonists rarely escape the traps building around them, karmic justice isn't enacted.

It's good. A bit too obsessed with the "body horror" of being merely old.

Greg Egan: Diaspora. (German language, 2000, Heyne) 4 stars

Review of 'Diaspora.' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A detailed but kind of depressing scifi tale, as most Greg Egan stuff tends to be. The protagonists are immortal cyber-beings with the barest remains of animal desires, so the overwhelming theme is one of "well, what do we do now". And the final conclusion to that is one of the most disheartening things one could read in science fiction.

Pu lai qi (Pratchett, Terry), Stephen Baxter: The Long War (2013, Harper) 4 stars

The Long War is a science fiction novel by British writers Terry Pratchett and Stephen …

Review of 'The Long War' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Would work better as a collection of short stories than what we have. The various storylines get confusing, and the most interesting aspect - the various non-human civilizations - have to be described from the view of passing humman protagonists rather than given some depth.

Anna Anthropy, Naomi Clark: A Game Design Vocabulary (Paperback, 2014, Addison-Wesley Professional) 5 stars

Review of 'A Game Design Vocabulary' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A good primer for anyone that wants to do game design beyond "an exact clone of World of Warcraft but I get to name the elves this time". Anthropy's laser-focus on a game as an exploration of a single mechanic may be a bit narrow, but it's a great stepping stone for a variety of game designs that doesn't get much love from the big companies.

Naomi Clark's second half focuses on storytelling and theme. It's a less revolutionary section, as pretty much every book on game design is a thinly rebranded essay on writing stories for books and movies, but it still details a lot of what makes storytelling for games unique.

But, most importantly, the book doesn't mention the hero's fucking journey anywhere, and so gets 5 out of 5.

Review of 'Turbulence A' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

First half of the book goes well. After that, characterization gets increasingly sketchy and inconsistent, plot points appear and just sit there without resolution, and the narrative focuses entirely on the nerdy male character because of course it does.

Pity the book blurb did not use the terms 'self-aware' and 'love letter to the genre' more often, so I'd know to stay away.