Stephen reviewed Valuable Humans in Transit by qntm
Enjoyable bleak sci-fi
5 stars
Not as miserable as the SCP stuff, mind. Some of the short stories are either too smart for me or finish like a twist is resolved but it's just a short story.
English language
qntm has been writing science fiction for most of this millennium. His works start from elegant, deep hypotheticals and wind entire universes around them, pushing science, technology, logic and possibility to breaking point and far beyond.
This volume collects the highlights of his short fiction, including "The Difference", "I Don't Know, Timmy, Being God Is a Big Responsibility" and the acclaimed "Lena".
Not as miserable as the SCP stuff, mind. Some of the short stories are either too smart for me or finish like a twist is resolved but it's just a short story.
Un recueil de nouvelles qui tournent beaucoup autour des thèmes de la conscience et de la technologie. Il y a un petit côté Black Mirror que j’apprécie beaucoup. C’est malheureusement trop court, parce que c’est vraiment bien.
A collection of some of the best of qntm's stories, along with a couple of rewrites and a few new ones. Only issue I can see is that the book should be larger and more expensive.