Stefkus reviewed Farm der Tiere by George Orwell
Farm der Tiere
4 stars
"Alle Tiere sind gleich aber manche sind gleicher"
Paperback, 141 pages
English language
Published July 6, 2008 by Arnoldo Mondadori.
Mr. Jones of Manor Farm is so lazy and drunken that one day he forgets to feed his livestock. The ensuing rebellion under the leadership of the pigs Napoleon and Snowball leads to the animals taking over the farm. Vowing to eliminate the terrible inequities of the farmyard, the renamed Animal Farm is organized to benefit all who walk on four legs. But as time passes, the ideals of the rebellion are corrupted, then forgotten. And something new and unexpected emerges...
"Alle Tiere sind gleich aber manche sind gleicher"
I love George Orwell. This is a beautiful allegory of communism through the eyes of a mid-twentieth century writer. It's not hard to see parallels to our current political situation.
My librarian told me that this us bit necessarily an anti communist book but rather an anti corruption book, so I did not look at it from a political perspective. Animal Farm is a fun book to read if you want to have a fun intro to George Orwell and his books. It's easy, there's some dark elements, and it's nice for a quick shift in style. It's not my book style personally (I like stuff like Firebreak), but I feel like it is unfair to compare a grand classic to a fairly insignificant modern dystopian novel. It's a fun book to read if you want a fun and dark weekend read that is also a classic book.
This tale highlights how an idealistic revolution can turn to a dystopia worse than the oppresion from before. There are many parellels to the story of the Soviet Union which makes it especially interesting for history nerds.
Una de las mejores analogías que he leído y en este caso, Orwell expone la cruda realidad del comunismo representada en los animales de la granja, donde los cerdos son los líderes del nuevo gobierno (nada mejor representado con los cerdos) y sus víctimas, los animales según el carácter de cada uno de ellos. Un libro recomendado.
A classic. It's written a bit childish, but this is not a bad point of it. It makes it easy to understand. I completed the book in one sitting, something I never do.
Goodreads Farm:
Sheep = everybody not protesting.
Boxer = GR Librarians still librarianing (sic)
Pigs = GR Staff
Benjamin = Protest backlashers