Cloud Cuckoo Land

A Novel

audio cd

Published Sept. 28, 2021 by Simon & Schuster Audio.

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4 stars (8 reviews)

16 editions

Elaborate but tenuous.

3 stars

(3 stars = I liked it)

Three time periods are braided together by an ancient Greek tale: 15th century Constantinople, the modern day, and a space-faring future. Elaborate but tenuous. On their own each story has potential, but together they don't quite make a whole. Like Cloud Atlas but less enthralling.

Reading time 7 days, 89 pages/day

#BookReview #Books #Bookstodon #BookWyrm #HistoricalFiction #SciFi

A book about the power of books and stories

4 stars

It's a long novel but it didn't feel like it was wasting words. It's a few stories told at once about different people living in different places at different times. One thing that links the stories is none of the main characters are satisfied with the hand they were dealt in life, and the stories explore how they deal with that. Some threads (Constantinople) engaged me sooner than others (Argos), but by the end I was interested in everything, and it all came together in a satisfying way.

There also was some queer representation in the novel, and I like that sort of thing.

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4 stars