Ride Theory finished reading Raffles, Further Adventures of the Amateur Cracksman by E. W. Hornung (Raffles, #2)

I like non-fiction.
Sometimes, I scroll through the "Random" feature of Project Gutenberg for unusual e-books, which I read on my hopelessly outdated Kindle.
The most frightening Twilight Zone episode is "Time Enough At Last," but fortunately, I take off my glasses to read.
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16% complete! Ride Theory has read 12 of 75 books.
I love the Raffles stories. They're a delightful inversion of the Sherlock Holmes stories, with the gay subtext /nearly/ laid bare. Bunny, the Dr. Watson analog, is absolutely in love with Raffles, and expresses his shame as though it were purely a symptom of their life of crime, but modern readers will see right through that.
First published in 1899, The Amateur Cracksman was the first collection of stories detailing the exploits and intrigues of gentleman …
Available on the Internet Archive: archive.org/details/tomcat-murr/mode/1up
The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr together with a fragmentary Biography of Kapellmeister Johannes Kreisler on Random Sheets …
First published in 1899, The Amateur Cracksman was the first collection of stories detailing the exploits and intrigues of gentleman …