Reviews and Comments

Ride Theory Locked account

Joined 2 years ago

I like non-fiction.

Sometimes, I scroll through the "Random" feature of Project Gutenberg for unusual e-books, which I read on my hopelessly outdated Kindle.

The most frightening Twilight Zone episode is "Time Enough At Last," but fortunately, I take off my glasses to read.

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reviewed Raffles by E. W. Hornung (Raffles, #1)

E. W. Hornung: Raffles (2008, Penguin Classics) 5 stars

First published in 1899, The Amateur Cracksman was the first collection of stories detailing the …

Delightful Inversion

5 stars

I love the Raffles stories. They're a delightful inversion of the Sherlock Holmes stories, with the gay subtext /nearly/ laid bare. Bunny, the Dr. Watson analog, is absolutely in love with Raffles, and expresses his shame as though it were purely a symptom of their life of crime, but modern readers will see right through that.