The Fifth Season

, #1

Trade paperback, 449 pages

English language

Published Sept. 10, 2015 by Orbit.

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5 stars (26 reviews)


IT STARTS WITH THE GREAT RED RIFT across the heart of the world's sole continent, spewing ash that blots out the sun.

IT STARTS WITH DEATH, with a murdered son and a missing daughter.

IT STARTS WITH BETRAYAL and long-dormant wounds rising up to fester.

This is the Stillness, a land familiar with catastrophe, where the power of the earth is wielded as a weapon. And where there is no mercy.

This description comes from the publisher.

13 editions

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, book 1)

Good world building, long and leaves you hanging

4 stars

Without spoiling, I would mention that this is 512 pages long...and then just sort of stops and doesn't really give you a feel for what the "big problem" is that you'll want to see battled against in the next volume. So a little dissatisfaction with that.

I did enjoy the way the author played with the timeline, the different voices used, and the pairing of characters that kept me from being confused about who was who

The world-building was great - it supplied just enough "weird land" to be unusual, but really it was focused on the different groups of people and how they viewed and interacted with one another.

If this is your favorite genre and you don't mind feeling the need to finish the series, you'll enjoy.

La profondeur comme la densité de cette œuvre m’ont émerveillé

5 stars

J‘avais ce livre depuis bien longtemps dans ma PAL, à la fois à cause de bonnes critiques que j‘avais lues et des multiples récompenses qu‘il a obtenu (dont le plus prestigieux en SF, le prix Hugo, obtenu pendant 3 années consécutives, pour les 3 tomes de la trilogie !). Bref, je me suis (enfin) lancé… et je ne le regrette pas ! Je vous fais le pitch

Nous sommes, peut-être, sur Terre. Est-ce de la science-fiction post-apocalyptique ou de la fantasy ? Ce n’est pas bien clair (et c’est très bien comme ça).

La terre tremble si souvent sur votre monde que la civilisation y est menacée en permanence. Le pire s'est d'ailleurs déjà produit plus d'une fois : de grands cataclysmes ont détruit les plus fières cités et soumis la planète à des hivers terribles, d'interminables nuits auxquelles l'humanité n'a survécu que de justesse.

Si c’est la Terre, elle …

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, book 1)

Beautifully written but relentlessly bleak

4 stars

I wanted to give this five stars - it's beautifully written, the worldbuilding is incredible and is incredibly fresh and imaginative where so much fantasy feels derivative, while still feeling grounded and believable. The narrative device of telling the three separate stories and only slowly revealing the clues to how they connect was incredibly well executed.

But while I couldn't put this down and tear myself away from the next twist or revelation, I realised I wasn't actually enjoying reading it that much. The story starts with the murder of a child and if anything only gets heavier from there. The book is an examination of what can drive someone to keep going when everything and everyone they love is taken from them again and again, and how they can continue living with themselves when they have been forced to do horrific things to survive. It's an incredible book, but …

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Cool page turner

5 stars

I came upon a list of queer books and thought I'd give a try to the Fifth season. I haven't Heroic fantasy for more than a decad (apart from a book by Damasio). The book is good : well written, the way the narration is built is brilliant. In terms of representations it is very good as well, compared from what I read in the past. I enjoyed the female characters and the fact that heterosexuality or being cis isn't the norm. Yet the book is definitely speciesist : eating other animals or exploiting them is not questionned. A total page turner. I read it in four sittings, which means I spent a lot of time reading in bed haha. Personnally, I'm both grateful for this page turning effect and uneasy. For me it's totally addictive, I have no motivation to do anything else than reading what comes next. This …

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Review of 'The Fifth Season' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Took me a bit to get into it, and the changing of character names over time confused me a bit, but once I got past those two issues, it was a really fun read. Looking forward to the next two books to see what happens on Earth in a possible distant future where earth magic is common and nothing is stable.

Review of 'The fifth season' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Good worldbuilding, although pretty grim at this point. Lots of hate in this world for people who are different (by various metrics). The plot also developed very well, I was surprised a few times. I wish I'd known there was a dictionary at the back though. Most of it is obvious, mind.

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, book 1)

Review of 'The Fifth Season' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is the first book in a while where I've ordered the next book before finishing the current one (I think the last time was the Shades of Magic trilogy). It's good, solid fantasy, but with enough original elements that you don't think it's just a rehash of something you've read before. Unlike older fantasy novels, there are plenty of female characters who exist in their own right - rather than as an appendage to or a love interest for a male character - and relationships which don't involve a man and a women falling in love, getting married, and living Happily Ever After.

Oh, and I didn't see how the various strands of the novel were connected until about two thirds of the way through, which was a nice surprise.

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Review of 'The Fifth Season' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

You like your fiction post-apocalyptic? How about post-MULTIPLE-apocalypses? Jemisin crafts an emotionally intense read, and a thoroughly detailed and believable fantasy world filled with complicated and relatable characters. Reads a bit like a focused memoir, and a bit like an over-arching look at humanities' cruelty and resilience.

And, excitingly for Jemisin fans, it looks like this might be her first series that continues some of the same characters from one book to the next? Just a guess based on the ending: it will be fascinating to see what comes next!

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